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Writer's pictureAli Craig


The idea of making a splash may sound a bit cliche, but when it comes to your marketing endeavors, we all say we want it.

(Yet we don’t.)

Think about it, what makes a splash when you are at the pool?

You can have kiddies waving their arms and kicking their legs, but that isn’t the type of big, huge, industry-influencing title wave you were thinking of. To create that type of splash, you have to do a cannonball off of the highest diving board possible.

To make the size splash you want, you must go big, clean, and bold, go away from the conventional, be willing to accept a little bit of pain, and always swim to the top.

Are you doing all the following 5 steps with your marketing? The answer is no.

  1. Go big. Going big is about using the platforms others won’t. It isn’t about choosing the medium that all others say “can’t be done.”

  2. Go clean and bold. With your message, design, and offer.

  3. Go away from the conventional. There are going to be lots of opinions on what you should do. Don’t listen.

  4. Be willing to accept a little bit of pain. The moment you achieve the splash you were aiming for, it may feel more painful than successful.

  5. Always swim to the top. Once you achieve everything you wanted, it may not look like it. Just remember, don’t stop. Keep swimming to the top.

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